Ai4r has devised and designed a new generation of gas detectors for real-time autoradiography in the field of ex-vivo or in-vitro preclinical research, Ex Vivo preclinical studies.
Our innovative technology combines speed, precision and sensitivity to locate the radioactivity of all alpha, beta minus and beta plus emitters in a wide field of view and in a shorter exposure time.

The BeaQuant is the first autoradiograph to be simultaneously a beta particles imager and an alpha imager.
Our machine is polyvalent: our customers have the options of using the BeaQuant for either standard autoradiography or Quantitative Whole-Body Autoradiography (QWBA).
Our alpha/beta imaging device can also be used with high energy radioisotopes or low energy radioisotopes without losing any resolution. Two2 Different models of sample holders are available depending on isotope for standard microscope slides (75×25 or 75×50), or large samples (QWBA,TLC plates… : 20 cm x 20 cm or 10 cm x 10 cm) or custom sized samples.
The BeaQuant lets you perform digital imaging in pure radioactivity metering mode: the signal of each disintegration is detected independently, thereby offering precise quantification of radiodistribution.
Quantification is independent of the activity thanks to a linearity over 5 orders of magnitude and fully consistent over the entire field of view (highest spatial resolution).
The image is a direct representation of the number of disintegrations.
Our BeaQuant’s performance feature is unique: 100% digital acquisition in real time. The researchers can observe the image form event by event and evaluate the image quality at any time. The final image is totally digital so there is no risk of underexposure or overexposure.

The BeaQuant includes a unique range of software: Beavacq to control the machine and Beamage for processing and exporting images. Nevertheless, the data can be exported to any image processing tool.
Thanks to its patented technology, our autoradiograph delivers unequalled sensitivity (0,0005 cpm/mm2). This extreme sensitivity cuts exposure time and increases volume of imagery.
The BeaQuant uses non-toxic, non-flammable and non-corrosive gases and thanks to its integrated shielding gives to the user a total very high protection against X and gamma rays.
Direct gaseous counter
Spatial: Alpha 20 µm – Beta 20 µm – High energy beta or beta plus 50 µm
Linearity over 5 orders of magnitude
Sensitivity: 0.0005 cpm/ mm2
All radioisotopes
Isotope separation
Low/High energy, Short/Long Halflives
Field of view
23 x 23 cm2
18 standard microscope slides (75 x 25 mm²)
8 standard microscope slides (75×50 mm²)
16 standard petrographic slide (45×30 mm²)
Other format available on request
Shielded detector using inert gases (Ne and CO2)
85 x 55 x 120 cm
240 kg